Wall Pluggable LCD Touch Screen with WiFi
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This is primarily just an experiment with a LCD Touch screen that can be plugged directly into a wall socket.  This is using a cheapo touch screen with the ILI9341 display driver and XPT2046 touch driver.

Future iterations will involve mounting directly into a wall, various size displays as well as different display types.

I made a board to mount the display on for inserting into a case I 3D printed.

Here's the schematic. (click here for PDF version)

It seemed like various libraries were a bit hit and miss getting the display working.  I ended up using a library called  TFT_eSPI located here.  I fired up a few of it's example sketches and it seemed to work great! 

A couple of edits need to be made to a file called "User_Setup.h" to reflect the pin numbers used.  In the case of my schematic I used the following (just needed to look through the file and find the appropriate things to uncomment and change:

#define TFT_CS   5  
#define TFT_DC   2  
#define TFT_RST  -1 

#define TOUCH_CS 16


Next page is on to making the circuit board.


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